Healing in the Park 2021




2020, Yoga and Me.

This video explains my new found ❤️ for Yoga

What it does for me?
How it’s helped?
What I’ve learnt?

Yoga has had astounding effects on my physical and mental health particularly in these unpredictable and sometimes dark times...

So wanted to share my new discovery
Maybe even convince you to flex on the mat tooooo

The Journey has just begun
Hopefully one day you’ll join me


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Twelve to Try.

Why not flex and see?

On a mat?
In your room?
How many can you do?
What can you work on?
Yoga has helped me
Maybe it can help you too?
See what you’re body can do

I’m in training and I’m not yet qualified
I aim to learn the Sanskrit names as shown in the video as I feel it’s important to pay homage to it’s roots in India

This is what works for me
Would love to hear your feedback and what works for you?

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5 ways to Start your Day

1. Open your Window- Regardless of weather, Let old air out and new air in and Consciously LOOK outside and see the world go by

2. Herbal Boost
Option 1:
Have a Morning Tea- A little morning ritual and a moment of Stillness- I LOVE Pukka Supreme Matcha Green Organic Herbal Tea, I have this EVERYDAY, Monday to Sunday, Gives me the kick I need, love the taste and feel good after

Option 2:
For the past month, I have been taking Saffrosun with Marine Minerals as my main source of Vitamin D, 2 capsules a day with breakfast. I have noticed a HUGE difference in my mood as it helps restore emotional resilience, help deal with daily challenges and reduces fatigue and promotes restful sleep. I have a discount code: MT20
Get 20% off
Try and see
Worked for me, maybe it will work for you

3. Look in the Mirror and Show Gratitude- 3 Things- I am grateful for………. (Insert), Today I was grateful for the snow- nature in all it’s forms, My Family 💕 and my Bf ❤️

4. Blast a Song of your choice and DANCE- Today I blasted Kirk Franklin- Revolution- This song is spiritual, the beat and vocals are crazy
There's gonna be a brighter day
All your troubles will pass away

5. Have a Morning Stretch- Watch my next reel- 5 Daily Stretches


Find Full Reel on My Instagram



5 ways to End your Day

1. Have a hot drink just before bed- An evening ritual and time to reflect on the day. I’m currently enjoying Pukka Nightime Herbal Organic Tea- oat flower, lavender and lime flower. I like the taste and the scent of the tea- good way to relax

2. Spark some white sage- smudge yourself, your space and clear the energy. This can be for whatever you need it to be for. Use this time to wish well on yourself and the place you inhibit. Gratitude is a must.

3. Light a Candle- Pause time and set an intention- 2020 and now 2021 has been a hard time from many, all our lights have been dim, but slyly the only way is up and your light will soon shine bright

4. Do some slow and gentle stretches just before climbing into bed. This will open you up and promotes the muscles to relax ahead of sleep. This will quieten the brain and will allow the body and mind to become one

5. Read over screen time- Not easy at all but absorb some knowledge before you go to sleep. My book at the moment- reading for the second time- The Secret by Rhoda Bynes- Go to google and type law of attraction- ask, believe, receive


Find Full Reel on My Instagram



Five Daily Stretches

Hold each stretch for 5 Deep Breaths
Inhale slowly for a count of 4
Exhale slowly for a count of 4

- Side Stretch
Stretches the side body
Keep your arms up
Lengthen the spine
Think upward first
Then over
Inhale, Exhale
Lean into the flex and enjoy

- Forward Bend
Get the blood around
Spring from the knees
Up and Over
Let the arms, shoulders and neck go
Interlace the fingers and slowly lower up and over
Shake your head left and right- My neck clicks EVERYTIME without fail- Such a relief
Slowly open hands and lower the hands
Roll up

- Seated Cat Cow
For the spine and back
Inhale and curve the back
Stretch the shoulders blades upwards
Roll through the spine
Exhale and push chest forward
Pull on knees and pull shoulders back
Look upward

- Extended Puppy Pose
Kneel and lower to the ground
Push bum up in the air
Insure knees are wide apart
Arms are extended
Breathe into the hips
Enjoy the connection the the ground

- Butterfly Pose
Feet together and pull feet inwards
Sit up and lengthen through the spine
Flap legs and promote circulation
Bend over and remember upwards then over
Surrender and enjoy the connection the the ground


Find Full Reel on My Instagram



5 Common Yoga Moves

Next month is My Yoga Birthday- 1 Year of this Practise

If you’re thinking of getting into yoga, here are 5 common moves of any yoga sequence
Familiarise yourself with these moves and you’ll be able to keep up, achieve form and maintain a flow

1. Downward Dog
Number one most common pose
Considered a resting pose and one to ground the body
This pose isn’t easy though
At first my wrists were weak
My feet weren’t completely flat
And I didn’t use my fingers to grip and connect to the ground
Keep redoing this pose and you’ll flow sooo much better

2. Extended Child pose
The pose is soo relaxing
I think everyone should do this pose DAILY and take deep breaths
I tend to sway from side to side and bounce slightly
This really helps open the body

3. Warrior 1 and 2
These poses can’t be done apologetically
Open the front body, chest and insure the feet are planted firmly
Insure the heel of the front leg intercept the curve of the back leg
For 1-Think upward and square the hips forward
For 2- Think of your arms as lines of energy and insure the chin is high

4. Crescent Lunge
This lunge really strengthens the legs
Balance is key
Think down to ground and up to lengthen through the spine
Make sure palms are facing each other
Front foot flat and on the ball of the back foot
Make sure you engage the core- it will help you stay upright

5. Triangle
This move is a major stretch
Keep the legs long and strong
Push hips back and lower slowly
Raise arm and hand in the air and open up the front body

Yoga shouldn’t be inaccessible and only for the few
Learn these moves and then you’ll be good to go


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My 1st Yoga Birthday

The first day of Spring marks ONE YEAR that yoga has been part of my life

I genuinely don’t think I’d be the same person without it
It got me through 2020
It gave me focus and discipline

It’s a tool I use everyday
I hope to encourage you to get on the mat
To experience the benefits
This is a practice of life
It changed mine
Maybe it can change yours?

Find Full Reel on My Instagram



My Shrine

This is a picture of My Shrine
Definition: An area dedicated to all things ME
The things I love, enjoy, need and what
I think it’s important to have a space/ area that is for YOU to display and reflect
Mine contains My Mirror, Books I Love from Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari to The Director Craft by Katie Mitchell, My Small Cactus.. Want to get more plants, Trinkets from holidays I’ve been on, Words of Affirmation, My Sage and San Palo, My Diffuser and Essential Oils- Lavender is my Fav as it promotes calmness and wellness, Crystals- My number one is Amethyst, a powerful protection stone-negative energy stay far awayyyyy, My Mini Speaker, My Gift Box from @ssegiftbundles, Pictures of Loved Ones

At the top left are 2 Greek theatre masks- 🎭Comedy and Tragedy I got in Crete, I hope to return to the stage soon... ✌🏿💐🏝🌞❤️🥳🤗🙌🏿💪🏿🏝

Make Your Own Shrine and Tag Me...
Honour Yourself
Why not?



My Top 5 Yoga YouTube Videos

In my journey of yoga
I started with @adrienelouise - 30 day HOME program
This was the perfect start
Gave me the foundation I needed and after 30 days I was hooked

I’ve had ONE yoga class in person by @flowtoglowyoga and everything I’ve learnt has been via YouTube

Here’s some videos I do, a year in
Some easy and some pretty hard
All great teachers and routines I regularly use along side my own practise

Give them a go
Let me know what you think
Don’t give up
Just get on the mat and see what you can do


Find Full Reel on My Instagram
